It's in Paris, and it's called Cie Bracelet Montre. It has every size, style and colour you can imagine, and in materials you possibly hadn't even considered, including lizard and alligator. It's a little like a lolly (candy) shop for watch bands!
They are all housed in a very stylish little shop, each detail is perfectly crafted. The bands run along both side walls with a counter in the middle and a very alluring packaging wall at the rear behind the sales counter.
So what do you get?
An abundant choice of luxury watch bands
Availability of all items displayed
Installation of band as you wait (relaxing in that fabulous grey chair)
A custom made option - let you imagination go wild - just give them a couple of weeks to create it for you.
When it comes to price, it's not exactly cheap, but you'll have something you love.
Images: ℅ Website