I chatted with the sales assistant and learned as much as I could about the man behind this inspired millinery. Although German by birth Reinhard produces his hats in Florence, the true birth place of the craft. She explained that many are one off hand crafted pieces, whereas others are created from preformed shells. It's so much more that a shop with hats, it's a gallery of art. Each piece deserves specific focus and attention. I wanted to touch them all, and felt the passion which inspired them and allowed them to be so beautiful.
“Glück ist wo Hüte sind.“ – Luck is, where hats are. I have no doubt that all that own one of his hats feel very lucky indeed! If you find yourself in Florence you really must come and visit. Even though you can find stockists around the world this is his only shop and being in this space is true visual nourishment.
Images: c/o Reinhard Plank vimeo, tumblr & google images